Traitor Legions

Ahzek Ahriman (GW31-09)

Ahzek Ahriman (GW31-09)

Ahzek Ahriman has the unique distinction of being both the first and last Chief Librarian of the Tho..

117.00 RON

Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer (GW31-62)

Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer (GW31-62)

The Cerberus is a rare variant of the Spartan chassis that uses its massive hull to mount a prototyp..

421.00 RON

Contemptor Dreadnought (GW31-25)

Contemptor Dreadnought (GW31-25)

Perhaps the most advanced Dreadnought engine in the arsenal of the Great Crusade, the Contemptor Dre..

236.00 RON

Deimos Pattern Predator Battle Tank (GW31-14)

Deimos Pattern Predator Battle Tank (GW31-14)

The Predator is perhaps the best known and most widespread variant of the basic Rhino chassis. Augme..

283.00 RON

Deimos Pattern Predator Support Tank (GW31-59)

Deimos Pattern Predator Support Tank (GW31-59)

The Predator is perhaps the best known and most widespread variant of the basic Rhino chassis, equip..

283.00 RON

Deredeo Dreadnought: Anvilus Configuration (GW31-36)

Deredeo Dreadnought: Anvilus Configuration (GW31-36)

The Deredeo Dreadnought is a walking heavy weapons platform, designed to combine superior firepower ..

319.00 RON

Deredeo Dreadnought: Boreas Configuration (GW31-93)

Deredeo Dreadnought: Boreas Configuration (GW31-93)

The Deredeo Dreadnought is a walking heavy weapons platform, designed to combine superior firepower ..

319.00 RON

Heavy Flamers, Multi-meltas, and Plasma Cannons (GW31-12)

Heavy Flamers, Multi-meltas, and Plasma Cannons (GW31-12)

Heavy Support Squads provide the Legiones Astartes with mobile, infantry-portable firepower sufficie..

159.00 RON

Heavy Weapons Upgrade Set – Missile Launchers and Heavy Bolters (GW31-04)

Heavy Weapons Upgrade Set – Missile Launchers and Heavy Bolters (GW31-04)

Heavy Support Squads provide the Legiones Astartes with mobile, infantry-portable firepower sufficie..

159.00 RON

Kratos Heavy Assault Tank (GW31-20)

Kratos Heavy Assault Tank (GW31-20)

The Kratos Heavy Assault Tank is based on an Ancient Terran pattern fielded during the Unification o..

469.00 RON

Legion Cataphractii Praetor & Chaplain Consul (GW31-08)

Legion Cataphractii Praetor & Chaplain Consul (GW31-08)

Praetors are the mightiest warriors and battle-leaders of the Space Marine Legions, second only to t..

208.00 RON

Legion Cataphractii Terminator Squad (GW31-26)

Legion Cataphractii Terminator Squad (GW31-26)

Terminator suits are the ultimate in personal armour technology, gifted to the finest veteran forces..

331.00 RON

Legion Praetor with Power Axe (GW31-11)

Legion Praetor with Power Axe (GW31-11)

Praetors are the mightiest warriors and battle-leaders of the Space Marine Legions, second only to t..

123.00 RON

Legion Praetor with Power Sword (GW31-24)

Legion Praetor with Power Sword (GW31-24)

Praetors are the mightiest warriors and battle-leaders of the Space Marine Legions, second only to t..

123.00 RON

Legion Sky-hunter Squadron (GW31-34)

Legion Sky-hunter Squadron (GW31-34)

Sky-hunters are feared strike units, mounted atop sophisticated and powerful jetbikes. These high-sp..

258.00 RON

Legion Tartaros Terminator Squad (GW31-07)

Legion Tartaros Terminator Squad (GW31-07)

Terminator suits are the ultimate in personal armour technology, gifted to the finest veteran forces..

330.00 RON

Legion Vindicator Siege Tank (GW31-61)

Legion Vindicator Siege Tank (GW31-61)

The Vindicator is a dedicated siege tank, deployed by the Legiones Astartes to breach enemy fortific..

283.00 RON

Leviathan Siege Dreadnought with Claw & Drill Weapons (GW31-29)

Leviathan Siege Dreadnought with Claw & Drill Weapons (GW31-29)

Heavily-armed and impressively armoured, the Leviathan Siege Dreadnought is an alternative developme..

319.00 RON

Liber Hereticus – Traitor Legiones Astartes Army Book (GW31-31)

Liber Hereticus – Traitor Legiones Astartes Army Book (GW31-31)

The Space Marine Legions of the 31st Millenium field a diverse and formidable range of genetically-e..

257.00 RON

Melee Weapons Upgrade Set (GW31-99)

Melee Weapons Upgrade Set (GW31-99)

The Legiones Astartes have access to vast arsenals of death-dealing wargear, often equipping leaders..

175.00 RON

MKIII Tactical Squad (GW31-68)

MKIII Tactical Squad (GW31-68)

Tactical squads are the mainstay of the Space Marine Legions and the force by which the Great Crusad..

295.00 RON

MKVI Legion Command Squad (GW31-85)

MKVI Legion Command Squad (GW31-85)

Legion Command Squads are selected from the most worthy and trusted veterans of the Legiones Astarte..

194.00 RON

Scorpius Missile Tank (GW31-60)

Scorpius Missile Tank (GW31-60)

Rugged and well-suited to high-intensity operations, the Scorpius missile tank is favoured across th..

259.00 RON

Sicaran Battle Tank (GW31-27)

Sicaran Battle Tank (GW31-27)

The Sicaran is one of the most advanced armoured units in the arsenal of the Legiones Astartes, a fa..

306.00 RON

Sicaran Venator Tank Hunter (GW31-63)

Sicaran Venator Tank Hunter (GW31-63)

The Sicaran is among the most advanced of the armoured vehicles fielded by the Legiones Astartes, a ..

306.00 RON

Spartan Assault Tank (GW31-35)

Spartan Assault Tank (GW31-35)

The Spartan Assault Tank is a huge armoured conveyer, designed to bear a great contingent of troops ..

407.00 RON

Special Weapons Upgrade Set (GW31-05)

Special Weapons Upgrade Set (GW31-05)

Tactical Support Squads replace the utilitarian bolter of their comrades with more specialised weapo..

174.00 RON

Typhon Heavy Siege Tank (GW31-15)

Typhon Heavy Siege Tank (GW31-15)

The Typhon is named for the ‘Great Beast’ of Terran myth, and lives up to its namesake in sheer brut..

425.00 RON

Volkite Culverins, Lascannons, and Autocannons (GW31-13)

Volkite Culverins, Lascannons, and Autocannons (GW31-13)

Heavy Support Squads provide the Legiones Astartes with mobile, infantry-portable firepower sufficie..

159.00 RON

Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – Age of Darkness (GW31-01)

Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – Age of Darkness (GW31-01)

An Age of Darkness has descended upon the galaxy. Horus Lupercal, Warmaster of the Emperor's armies,..

1,125.00 RON

Showing 1 to 30 of 30 (1 Pages)