Warhammer AoS

Warhammer AoS

Warhammer - Age of Sigmar

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Gryph-hounds (GW96-31)

Gryph-hounds (GW96-31)

Pack-hunting creatures from the realm of Azyr, Gryph-hounds are noble beasts who detest corruption. ..

118.00 RON

Gutbusters Ogors (GW95-06)

Gutbusters Ogors (GW95-06)

 Gutbusters exista ca imperii nomade de ogri razboinici. Mai mari si mai puternici fata de majo..

198.00 RON

Gutrippaz (GW89-70)

Gutrippaz (GW89-70)

Wielding an assortment of jagged spears and wickedly sharp hand weapons, the Gutrippaz are the mains..

212.00 RON

Hearthguard Berzerkers (GW84-24)

Hearthguard Berzerkers (GW84-24)

Incredibly powerful elite warriors, possibly the strongest in their lodges, the Hearthguard Berzerke..

185.00 RON

High Gladiatrix (GW85-33)

High Gladiatrix (GW85-33)

A High Gladiatrix is a living conduit of Khaine’s wrath. Striding at the head of their sisters’ adva..

127.00 RON

Hobgrot Slittaboss (GW89-95)

Hobgrot Slittaboss (GW89-95)

Slittabosses command the Hobgrot kompanies that maraud across the realms in search of plunder. They ..

132.00 RON

Hobgrot Slittaz (GW89-74)

Hobgrot Slittaz (GW89-74)

Hobgrots are devious and malicious allies for the Kruleboyz. In Orruk society they act as barterers,..

224.00 RON

Hurakan Windchargers (GW87-21)

Hurakan Windchargers (GW87-21)

Bounding across the plains on their nimble treerunner steeds, Hurakan Windchargers loose arrows with..

260.00 RON

Hurakan Windmage (GW87-45)

Hurakan Windmage (GW87-45)

Hurakan Windmages are the wisest of their order, aelimentiri of such prowess that the winds of their..

153.00 RON

Ionus Cryptborn, Warden of Lost Souls (GW96-61)

Ionus Cryptborn, Warden of Lost Souls (GW96-61)

Ionus Cryptborn is a living legend, descending like a silent shadow over the most beleaguered of bat..

496.00 RON

Iridan the Witness (GW96-71)

Iridan the Witness (GW96-71)

Iridan the Witness is determined to preserve the memory of the Ruination chambers' warriors as they ..

439.00 RON

Ironjawz Battleforce: Wrekkamob (GW89-86)

Ironjawz Battleforce: Wrekkamob (GW89-86)

The Ironjawz are the sons of Gork and the most physically belligerent of all orruks. Clad in thick a..

897.00 RON

Ironweld Great Cannon (GW86-11)

Ironweld Great Cannon (GW86-11)

Ironweld Great Cannons are massive artillery pieces, which act as the roaring bastions of a Castelit..

201.00 RON

Ivya Volga, the Outcast (GW91-17)

Ivya Volga, the Outcast (GW91-17)

Ivya Volga is a loner amongst the Vyrkos dynasty, spurning the company of her vampiric kin in favour..

141.00 RON

Kavalos Deathriders (GW94-27)

Kavalos Deathriders (GW94-27)

The heavy cavalry of the Ossiarch Bonereaper legions, the Kavalos Deathriders are expert riders moun..

242.00 RON

Keeper of Secrets (GW97-06)

Keeper of Secrets (GW97-06)

 A Keeper of Secrets is a Greater Daemon of Slaanesh, a consummate warrior and spellmaster of t..

558.00 RON

Kharadron Overlords Skyriggers (GW84-36)

Kharadron Overlords Skyriggers (GW84-36)

Endrinriggers are members of the Endrineers Guild, and report to a ship’s Captain as well as the fle..

164.00 RON

King Brodd (GW93-10)

King Brodd (GW93-10)

Once ruler of the gargant clans of the Scabrous Sprawl, the infamous King Brodd now leads the stomps..

798.00 RON

Knight-Judicator with Gryph-hounds (GW96-49)

Knight-Judicator with Gryph-hounds (GW96-49)

The eagle-eyed Knight-Judicator is an officer of Angelos Conclaves who wields the terrifying terminu..

141.00 RON

Kragnos, the End of Empires (GW89-65)

Kragnos, the End of Empires (GW89-65)

In the Age of Myth, long before the reign of Sigmar Heldenhammer, gods walked among mortals across t..

584.00 RON

Krethusa the Croneseer (GW85-24)

Krethusa the Croneseer (GW85-24)

Krethusa is the Croneseer, a renegade aelven prophet touched by the divine essence of a long-forgott..

224.00 RON

Krittok Foulblade (GW90-49)

Krittok Foulblade (GW90-49)

Krittok Foulblade is canny and cruel in equal measure, with a profound instinct for where his minion..

154.00 RON

Krondspine Incarnate of Ghur (GW64-53)

Krondspine Incarnate of Ghur (GW64-53)

The Incarnates that haunt the Krondspine Range are terrifying entities - creations of pure Ghurish e..

242.00 RON

Krondys, Son of Dracothion (GW96-50)

Krondys, Son of Dracothion (GW96-50)

Long ago, before Sigmar was plucked from the heavens by the great drake Dracothion, the powerful Dra..

564.00 RON

Kroxigor (GW88-23)

Kroxigor (GW88-23)

Kroxigor are monstrously strong reptilian brutes, taller and bulkier than even the most hulking saur..

236.00 RON

Krulghast Cruciator (GW91-50)

Krulghast Cruciator (GW91-50)

Krulghast Cruciators were once mortals that met a gruesome end on the torture rack. In death, their ..

161.00 RON

Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief (GW91-25)

Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief (GW91-25)

She is the Mourning Bride, the Unrequited Queen, the Veiled Lady and the Mortarch of Grief. She is d..

208.00 RON

Lauka Vai, Mother of Nightmares (GW91-53)

Lauka Vai, Mother of Nightmares (GW91-53)

Once a courageous vampire-knight who, despite holding no love for Ghur's mortal races, refused to pr..

258.00 RON

Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig (GW89-35)

Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig (GW89-35)

 Giant Cave Squigs are especially huge and ferocious beasts that make excellent steeds for the ..

146.00 RON

Lord of Hubris (GW83-96)

Lord of Hubris (GW83-96)

Lords of Hubris are utterly enamoured with their own magnificence, strutting peacocks who swagger in..

140.00 RON

Lord of Pain (GW83-87)

Lord of Pain (GW83-87)

Lords of Pain are champions of Slaanesh who have sampled countless vices and excesses. Armed with wi..

123.00 RON

Lord-Celestant (GW96-68)

Lord-Celestant (GW96-68)

Lord-Celestants are cunning tacticians, ferocious fighters, and effective leaders. To the people of ..

165.00 RON

Lord-Relictor (GW96-64)

Lord-Relictor (GW96-64)

Lord-Relictors are the high priests of the God-King's armies, calling upon the fulminating energies ..

161.00 RON

Lord-Terminos (GW96-65)

Lord-Terminos (GW96-65)

A Lord-Terminos is armed with a mighty blade with which they cut down enemies in great numbers, but ..

161.00 RON

Lumineth Realm-lords Army Set (GW87-06)

Lumineth Realm-lords Army Set (GW87-06)

The battlefield glows bright as the Lumineth go to war. These elegant aelves hail from Hysh, the Rea..

665.00 RON

Lumineth Realm-lords Dice Set (GW87-61)

Lumineth Realm-lords Dice Set (GW87-61)

Bring searing purity and balance to the Mortal Realms with these Lumineth Realm-lords themed dice.Th..

148.00 RON

Maggotkin of Nurgle Battleforce: Shudderblight Cyst (GW83-102)

Maggotkin of Nurgle Battleforce: Shudderblight Cyst (GW83-102)

The Maggotkin of Nurgle shamble from foetid wastes, blessed with the unholy bloat of their patron. W..

897.00 RON

Magister on Disc of Tzeentch (GW97-39)

Magister on Disc of Tzeentch (GW97-39)

Magisters are powerful sorcerers in service to Tzeentch. Filled with eldritch energies as they ride ..

139.00 RON

Man-Skewer Boltboyz (GW89-67)

Man-Skewer Boltboyz (GW89-67)

Man-skewer Boltboyz are known for using crude crossbows to engage in ranged combat. Their close-comb..

200.00 RON

Mancrusher Gargants (GW93-03)

Mancrusher Gargants (GW93-03)

When the earth shakes to the thunder of the Mega-Gargants’ footfalls, their lesser brethren muster f..

462.00 RON

Marshcrawla Sloggoth (GW89-66)

Marshcrawla Sloggoth (GW89-66)

Distant relatives to the troggoths found in caves and mountains, Marshcrawla Sloggoths are slow, pat..

212.00 RON

Mega-Gargant (GW93-02)

Mega-Gargant (GW93-02)

Kraken-eaters are grabbing, greedy coastal raiders that are fiercely territorial. Unfortunately, the..

694.00 RON

Megaboss (GW89-26)

Megaboss (GW89-26)

The biggest – and therefore the best – of the Ironjawz, the orruk Megabosses lead the Ironjaw warcla..

165.00 RON

Melusai Ironscale (GW85-50)

Melusai Ironscale (GW85-50)

Crafted from the aelven souls that most cried out for bloody revenge, the Melusai Ironscales were cr..

117.00 RON

Mindstealer Sphiranx (GWAT-2401)

Mindstealer Sphiranx (GWAT-2401)

Mindstealer Sphiranxes are powerful and sinister telepaths. Once denizens of Hysh and allies of its ..

183.00 RON

Showing 136 to 180 of 355 (8 Pages)