Grand Alliance Chaos

Grand Alliance Chaos

Arcane Cataclysm (GW80-40)

Arcane Cataclysm (GW80-40)

In the magic-scoured reaches of the Realm of Light, there are treasures of incredible potency buried..

811.00 RON

Battleforce: Slaves to Darkness – Warhorde of Eternus (GW83-99)

Battleforce: Slaves to Darkness – Warhorde of Eternus (GW83-99)

The Slaves to Darkness march through the Mortal Realms in the name of the Dark Gods, ever pushing ba..

825.00 RON

Battletome: Beasts of Chaos (GW81-01-60)

Battletome: Beasts of Chaos (GW81-01-60)

Pamantul se cutremura cand se apropie Beastherds.Plantele se ofilesc si putrezesc, animalele se umpl..

145.00 RON

Battletome: Beasts of Chaos 2023 (GW81-01)

Battletome: Beasts of Chaos 2023 (GW81-01)

The Beasts of Chaos are the purest embodiment of primeval violence. These braying killers surge out ..

198.00 RON

Battletome: Blades of Khorne (GW83-01-60)

Battletome: Blades of Khorne (GW83-01-60)

 All dread the coming of the Blades of Khorne – an unholy allegiance of mortals and daemons for..

142.00 RON

Battletome: Blades of Khorne 2023 (GW83-01)

Battletome: Blades of Khorne 2023 (GW83-01)

Howling like maddened beasts, the Blades of Khorne hurl themselves upon their prey. These savage kil..

199.00 RON

Battletome: Hedonites of Slaanesh (GW83-72)

Battletome: Hedonites of Slaanesh (GW83-72)

The Hedonites of Slaanesh revel in the vilest acts and most stimulating sensory excesses. The battle..

151.00 RON

Battletome: Hedonites of Slaanesh (GW83-72-60)

Battletome: Hedonites of Slaanesh (GW83-72-60)

 Of all the evil forces in the realms, the Hedonites of Slaanesh take the most pleasure in the ..

146.00 RON

Battletome: Maggotkin of Nurgle (GW83-58-60)

Battletome: Maggotkin of Nurgle (GW83-58-60)

 Nurgle este Zeul Haosului molimelor, a cărui putere creste atunci când boala și disperarea dăr..

150.00 RON

Battletome: Skaven (GW90-24-60)

Battletome: Skaven (GW90-24-60)

 Red eyes and chisel fangs glint in the gloom. A terrible chittering fills the air. Then, from ..

145.00 RON

Battletome: Skaven 2022 (GW90-24)

Battletome: Skaven 2022 (GW90-24)

For centuries beyond counting has the race of malevolent ratmen known as the skaven plagued the Mort..

199.00 RON

Battletome: Slaves to Darkness 2023 (GW83-02)

Battletome: Slaves to Darkness 2023 (GW83-02)

The Slaves to Darkness pursue power at any cost. They’ve sold their souls to the Dark Gods in order ..

198.00 RON

Beast of Nurgle (GW83-15)

Beast of Nurgle (GW83-15)

 Beasts of Nurgle sunt niște monstruozități asemănătoare cu ciupercile ale căror organisme enor..

164.00 RON

Beastlord (GW81-17)

Beastlord (GW81-17)

In the merciless society of the Beasts of Chaos, only the mightiest rise to power. These are the Bea..

126.00 RON

Blades of Khorne Dice Set (GW83-39)

Blades of Khorne Dice Set (GW83-39)

Khorne demands blood and skulls. In order to provide them, you must successfully slaughter your foes..

152.00 RON

Blissbarb Archers (GW83-83)

Blissbarb Archers (GW83-83)

Blissbarb Archers are the lowest class of Sybarite, but no less deadly for it. Even when running pel..

187.00 RON

Blue Horrors of Tzeentch (GW97-30)

Blue Horrors of Tzeentch (GW97-30)

Casting vindictive glares at their enemies and blasting them apart with mystical fire, Blue Horrors ..

159.00 RON

Brand's Oathbound (GW83-56)

Brand's Oathbound (GW83-56)

The Brands are regarded as an especially ruthless tribe of Darkoath warriors. To command such esteem..

295.00 RON

Broken Realms: Rokar Gresh – Gresh's Iron Reapers (GW86-79)

Broken Realms: Rokar Gresh – Gresh's Iron Reapers (GW86-79)

A colossus of a man clad in scarred iron plate and wielding a cursed greataxe that blazes with unhol..

323.00 RON

Cairn Wraith (GW91-32)

Cairn Wraith (GW91-32)

Cairn Wraiths are amongst the most powerful of the Undead. Though they lack physical form, their tou..

69.00 RON

Chaos Chosen (GW83-93)

Chaos Chosen (GW83-93)

Chaos Chosen are elite devotees of the Ruinous Powers, champions who have garnered enough dark rewar..

236.00 RON

Chaos Knights (GW83-09)

Chaos Knights (GW83-09)

Chaos Knights ride at the forefront of any ruinous host, and their coming heralds the death of empir..

259.00 RON

Chaos Lord on Karkadrak (GW83-62)

Chaos Lord on Karkadrak (GW83-62)

Karkadraks are monstrous lizard-beasts clad in thick scales, whose destructive rampages are almost i..

186.00 RON

Chaos Spawn (GW83-10)

Chaos Spawn (GW83-10)

Mind and will completely dissolved into blankness by the corrupting influence of Chaos, the Chaos Sp..

199.00 RON

Clanrats (GW90-06)

Clanrats (GW90-06)

Clanrats mass into huge clawpacks, their vast numbers bolstering their courage and allowing them to ..

157.00 RON

Curseling, Eye of Tzeentch (GW83-68)

Curseling, Eye of Tzeentch (GW83-68)

A Curseling is a powerful warrior-mage imbued with daemonic power through a conjoined, spell-mouldin..

126.00 RON

Daemon Prince (GW83-64)

Daemon Prince (GW83-64)

Daemon Princes were once mortal champions of Chaos, elevated to eternal daemonhood as a coveted rewa..

290.00 RON

Daemons Of Khorne Bloodletters (GW97-08)

Daemons Of Khorne Bloodletters (GW97-08)

The Bloodletters form the core of the vast legions of the Lord of Battle. Believed to have been fore..

131.00 RON

Daemons Of Khorne Bloodthirster (GW97-27)

Daemons Of Khorne Bloodthirster (GW97-27)

Bloodthirsters are the mightiest of Khorne’s daemons, the fury of war given terrible form. Every one..

585.00 RON

Darkoath Chieftain on Warsteed (GW83-53)

Darkoath Chieftain on Warsteed (GW83-53)

Sat astride blade-masked warsteeds, flanks strewn with the skulls of slain challengers, Darkoath Chi..

194.00 RON

Darkoath Fellriders (GW83-54)

Darkoath Fellriders (GW83-54)

The Darkoath prize speed and agility above all in their light cavalry. Fellriders are mounted darede..

242.00 RON

Darkoath Marauders (GW83-52)

Darkoath Marauders (GW83-52)

Darkoath Marauders are trained in the ways of battle from a young age, born into tribes that take pr..

208.00 RON

Dexcessa, the Talon of Slaanesh (GW97-50)

Dexcessa, the Talon of Slaanesh (GW97-50)

It was at the height of Morathi's ascension to godhood that a drop of Slaanesh's own divine essence ..

422.00 RON

Disciples of Tzeentch Dice Set (GW65-39)

Disciples of Tzeentch Dice Set (GW65-39)

Twist fate in your favour on the battlefield for Tzeentch with these Disciples of Tzeentch themed di..

148.00 RON

Exalted Hero of Chaos (GW83-67)

Exalted Hero of Chaos (GW83-67)

Exalted Heroes of Chaos are battle-tested warriors whose deeds have caught the notice of the gods – ..

140.00 RON

Keeper of Secrets (GW97-06)

Keeper of Secrets (GW97-06)

 A Keeper of Secrets is a Greater Daemon of Slaanesh, a consummate warrior and spellmaster of t..

558.00 RON

Lord of Change (GW97-26)

Lord of Change (GW97-26)

The greatest of Tzeentch’s daemons, the Lords of Change shimmer with raw magic. With a flick of its ..

585.00 RON

Lord of Hubris (GW83-96)

Lord of Hubris (GW83-96)

Lords of Hubris are utterly enamoured with their own magnificence, strutting peacocks who swagger in..

140.00 RON

Lord of Pain (GW83-87)

Lord of Pain (GW83-87)

Lords of Pain are champions of Slaanesh who have sampled countless vices and excesses. Armed with wi..

118.00 RON

Magister on Disc of Tzeentch (GW97-39)

Magister on Disc of Tzeentch (GW97-39)

Magisters are powerful sorcerers in service to Tzeentch. Filled with eldritch energies as they ride ..

139.00 RON

Myrmidesh Painbringers (GW83-90)

Myrmidesh Painbringers (GW83-90)

The Myrmidesh are an elite warrior-cult who exemplify the pride of the Dark Prince. Each of their bl..

210.00 RON

Nexus Chaotica (GW80-54)

Nexus Chaotica (GW80-54)

A Nexus Chaotica is a shrine to ruin. Constructed at a confluence where magical ley lines converge, ..

224.00 RON

Nurgle Rotbringers Lord of Plagues (GW83-32)

Nurgle Rotbringers Lord of Plagues (GW83-32)

Hidden behind the dread mask of one of Nurgle’s executioners, the Lord of Plagues gazes impassively ..

69.00 RON

Ogroid Theridons (GW83-63)

Ogroid Theridons (GW83-63)

Ogroid Theridons serve as fearsome shock troops to the armies of Chaos, found wherever the fighting ..

256.00 RON

Plaguebearers of Nurgle (GW97-10)

Plaguebearers of Nurgle (GW97-10)

Plaguebearers are the rank and file of Nurgle's legions. These loathsome Lesser Daemons are crafted ..

145.00 RON

Showing 1 to 45 of 74 (2 Pages)