Armies of Chaos

Armies of Chaos

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Abaddon the Despoiler (GW43-60)

Abaddon the Despoiler (GW43-60)

Striding onto the battlefield like a demigod of war, the Despoiler scowls at the mortal chattel befo..

260.00 RON

Accursed Cultists (GW43-83)

Accursed Cultists (GW43-83)

Accursed Cultists have diverse and terrifying origins – whether born of dark ritual, empyric experim..

200.00 RON

Ahriman, Arch-Sorcerer of Tzeentch (GW43-38)

Ahriman, Arch-Sorcerer of Tzeentch (GW43-38)

For ten thousand years, the seeker of arcane truths known as Ahriman has roamed the galaxy in a ques..

164.00 RON

Angron, Daemon Primarch of Khorne (GW43-28)

Angron, Daemon Primarch of Khorne (GW43-28)

Angron is the Red Angel, Lord of the World Eaters, the Daemon Primarch of Khorne. Raised as a slave ..

609.00 RON

Arks of Omen: Angron (GW42-05)

Arks of Omen: Angron (GW42-05)

As the massive space hulks known as the Arks of Omen spread the flames of Abaddon’s war across the g..

211.00 RON

Arks of Omen: Vashtorr (GW42-13)

Arks of Omen: Vashtorr (GW42-13)

Vashtorr the Arkifane, daemon demigod of the soul forges, has fixed his gaze upon the Rock. Somewher..

210.00 RON

Beast of Nurgle (GW83-15)

Beast of Nurgle (GW83-15)

 Beasts of Nurgle sunt niște monstruozități asemănătoare cu ciupercile ale căror organisme enor..

164.00 RON

Biologus Putrifier (GW43-24)

Biologus Putrifier (GW43-24)

The great labour of the Death Guard is to spread Nurgle’s bounteous gift to every corner of realspac..

114.00 RON

Black Legion Dice Set (GW43-82)

Black Legion Dice Set (GW43-82)

The mighty warriors of the Black Legion are ever at the beck and call of their Warmaster, Abaddon th..

136.00 RON

Blightlord Terminators (GW43-51)

Blightlord Terminators (GW43-51)

Blightlord Terminators are relentless and unstoppable, elite Death Guard warriors bound forever to m..

223.00 RON

Blue Horrors of Tzeentch (GW97-30)

Blue Horrors of Tzeentch (GW97-30)

Casting vindictive glares at their enemies and blasting them apart with mystical fire, Blue Horrors ..

159.00 RON

Chaos Bikers (GW43-08)

Chaos Bikers (GW43-08)

The roar of a Chaos Biker's engine fires the damned soul of its rider to acts of greater recklessnes..

152.00 RON

Chaos Cultists (GW43-88)

Chaos Cultists (GW43-88)

Chaos Cultists are the mortal devotees of the Dark Gods, ordinary men and women fallen to promises o..

164.00 RON

Chaos Knights Transfer Sheet (GWAT-24)

Chaos Knights Transfer Sheet (GWAT-24)

When Chaos Knights march to war they do so emblazoned with the icons of their Houses and marks showi..

77.00 RON

Chaos Lord (GW43-62N)

Chaos Lord (GW43-62N)

 A Chaos Lord is a tyrannical warrior king who lives to bathe in the blood of worlds. He strive..

113.00 RON

Chaos Rhino (GW43-11)

Chaos Rhino (GW43-11)

Reliable, resilient and easily repaired, the Rhino APC has been the mainstay transport of the Adeptu..

212.00 RON

Chaos Space Marine Raptors (GW43-13)

Chaos Space Marine Raptors (GW43-13)

 The cruel terror troops known as Raptors consider themselves the elite of the Chaos Space Mari..

164.00 RON

Chaos Space Marines (GW43-06)

Chaos Space Marines (GW43-06)

Not even the Space Marines are safe from the lure of Chaos. Whether they hail from the dark days of ..

260.00 RON

Chaos Space Marines Dice Set (GW86-62)

Chaos Space Marines Dice Set (GW86-62)

The Heretic Astartes fight wars in the name of their Dark Gods on battlefields all across the galaxy..

148.00 RON

Chaos Space Marines Sorcerer (GW43-69)

Chaos Space Marines Sorcerer (GW43-69)

Sorcerers of Chaos shape the destiny of the galaxy with forbidden rituals and unspeakable pacts. The..

113.00 RON

Chaos Space Marines Terminator Lord (GW43-12)

Chaos Space Marines Terminator Lord (GW43-12)

Chaos Lords are the most powerful of the Chaos Space Marines. With the genetic advantages of a Space..

118.00 RON

Chaos Space Marines Terminators (GW43-19)

Chaos Space Marines Terminators (GW43-19)

 Chaos Terminators are heavily armoured veterans clad in debased suits of Tactical Dreadnought ..

236.00 RON

Chosen (GW43-84)

Chosen (GW43-84)

The power-hungry veterans known as Chosen are amongst the most experienced and ruthless fighters of ..

242.00 RON

Codex Supplement: Traitor Legions (GW43-23-60)

Codex Supplement: Traitor Legions (GW43-23-60)

 Traitor Legions ai Chaos Space Marines au purtat razboaie teribile de ura si razbunare contra ..

110.00 RON

Codex: Chaos Daemons (GW97-02-60)

Codex: Chaos Daemons (GW97-02-60)

 Dincolo de limitele spațiului și timpului, zeii Haosului observă galaxia cu ochi străvechi și ..

145.00 RON

Codex: Chaos Daemons 2022 (GW97-02)

Codex: Chaos Daemons 2022 (GW97-02)

The daemonic servants of the Chaos Gods spill from the madness of the warp to corrupt and slaughter...

199.00 RON

Codex: Chaos Knights (GW43-18-60)

Codex: Chaos Knights (GW43-18-60)

 Codex: Chaos Knights is your complete guide to the Questoris Traitoris – the Chaos Knights. In..

145.00 RON

Codex: Chaos Knights 2022 (GW43-18)

Codex: Chaos Knights 2022 (GW43-18)

With the thunderous tread of gargantuan feet and the booming roar of cannon fire, lances of Chaos Kn..

199.00 RON

Codex: Chaos Space Marines (GW43-01-24)

Codex: Chaos Space Marines (GW43-01-24)

Chaos Space Marines are genetically augmented transhumans who seek only to conquer, slaughter, and d..

224.00 RON

Codex: Chaos Space Marines 2022 (GW43-01)

Codex: Chaos Space Marines 2022 (GW43-01)

For ten thousand years, the Chaos Space Marines have waged near-constant war on the galaxy that cast..

199.00 RON

Codex: Death Guard 2021 (GW43-03)

Codex: Death Guard 2021 (GW43-03)

The Death Guard are the greatest champions of the Plague God, Grandfather Nurgle, his favoured sprea..

175.00 RON

Codex: Thousand Sons (GW43-09-60)

Codex: Thousand Sons (GW43-09-60)

Wreathed in warpfire and imbued with boundless empyric energy, the Thousand Sons are the favoured mo..

149.00 RON

Codex: World Eaters (GW42-03)

Codex: World Eaters (GW42-03)

Fanatical devotees of Khorne’s creed, the World Eaters Traitor Legion is formed of unnumbered warban..

198.00 RON

Combat Patrol: Chaos Daemons (GW97-51)

Combat Patrol: Chaos Daemons (GW97-51)

The daemonic servants of Khorne spill from the madness of the warp to corrupt and slaughter, the ver..

590.00 RON

Combat Patrol: Chaos Space Marines (GW43-20)

Combat Patrol: Chaos Space Marines (GW43-20)

Warbands of the Chaos Space Marines are more often than not motley assortments of Heretic Astartes, ..

590.00 RON

Combat Patrol: Chaos Space Marines (GW43-89)

Combat Patrol: Chaos Space Marines (GW43-89)

For ten thousand years, the Chaos Space Marines have waged near-constant war on the galaxy that cast..

587.00 RON

Combat Patrol: Death Guard (GW43-75)

Combat Patrol: Death Guard (GW43-75)

The Death Guard are the greatest champions of the Plague God, Grandfather Nurgle, his favoured sprea..

585.00 RON

Combat Patrol: Thousand Sons (GW43-67)

Combat Patrol: Thousand Sons (GW43-67)

The Thousand Sons advance into battle amidst gouts of kaleidoscopic warpflame and bolts of raw sorce..

563.00 RON

Combat Patrol: World Eaters (GW43-71)

Combat Patrol: World Eaters (GW43-71)

Scions of their Primarch Angron, Daemon Prince of Khorne, the World Eaters were amongst the most fea..

590.00 RON

Daemons Of Khorne Bloodletters (GW97-08)

Daemons Of Khorne Bloodletters (GW97-08)

The Bloodletters form the core of the vast legions of the Lord of Battle. Believed to have been fore..

131.00 RON

Dark Apostle (GW43-37)

Dark Apostle (GW43-37)

 Dark Apostles make up the priesthood of the Dark Gods. Just as the Chaplains of the loyalist S..

148.00 RON

Datacards: Chaos Daemons (GW97-04)

Datacards: Chaos Daemons (GW97-04)

This deck of handy reference cards makes it simple to keep track of all the rules in Codex: Chaos Da..

101.00 RON

Datacards: Chaos Daemons (GW97-04-60)

Datacards: Chaos Daemons (GW97-04-60)

 Conceput pentru a facilita urmărirea obiectivelor tactice, a puterilor psihice și a Stratageme..

55.00 RON

Datacards: Chaos Knights (GW43-05-60)

Datacards: Chaos Knights (GW43-05-60)

 Lead your corrupted household to war with these datacards – an invaluable reference resource f..

54.00 RON

Datacards: Chaos Knights 2022 (GW43-05)

Datacards: Chaos Knights 2022 (GW43-05)

Datacards make referencing your rules in battle easy. Containing quick-reference Stratagems and psyc..

103.00 RON

Showing 1 to 45 of 86 (2 Pages)