

 Beast Snagga Stampede (GW50-64)

Beast Snagga Stampede (GW50-64)

What’s in the Beast Snagga Stampede boxThis box contains x366 plastic components that make x19 WH40K..

849.00 RON

Beast Snagga Orks Army Set (GW50-03)

Beast Snagga Orks Army Set (GW50-03)

Delivery starting 24 July !!!The Beast Snagga stampedes thunder on their squig steeds through rain-l..

725.00 RON

Beastboss (GW50-53)

Beastboss (GW50-53)

The Beastboss is the overall leader of a Beast Snaggas mob, leading from the front and crushing the ..

148.00 RON

Big Mek (GW50-68)

Big Mek (GW50-68)

Big Meks are the most ingenious inventors of Ork-kind, who build all sorts of powerful weapons and b..

194.00 RON

Big'ed Bossbunka (GW50-45)

Big'ed Bossbunka (GW50-45)

Ork warbosses are usually stationary for only two reasons. One is when they are giving an enemy – or..

306.00 RON

Boss Snikrot (GW50-42)

Boss Snikrot (GW50-42)

Boss Snikrot is no mere Ork cutthroat – he is a murderous legend whose obsession with guerilla warfa..

153.00 RON

Boyz (GW50-57)

Boyz (GW50-57)

Ork Boyz surge into battle in huge, unruly mobs dotted with crude special weapons and led by foul-te..

208.00 RON

Codex: Orks (GW50-01-24)

Codex: Orks (GW50-01-24)

Orks are brutal and violent aliens who love nothing more than to fight. They are tough, with hulking..

212.00 RON

Codex: Orks 2021 (GW50-01)

Codex: Orks 2021 (GW50-01)

There are many horrific alien threats to be found among the stars, and the Orks are some of the very..

175.00 RON

Combat Patrol: Orks (GW73-50)

Combat Patrol: Orks (GW73-50)

The Orks love fighting above all else. These brutal and violent aliens roam the galaxy in vast horde..

590.00 RON

Dakkajet (GW50-32)

Dakkajet (GW50-32)

Propelled by a single, massive jet engine, the Dakkajet roars through the sky. Gunz blazing a near c..

292.00 RON

Datacards: Orks (GW50-02-60)

Datacards: Orks (GW50-02-60)

Designed to make it easier to keep track of Tactical Objectives and Stratagems in games of Warhammer..

54.00 RON

Datacards: Orks 2021 (GW50-02)

Datacards: Orks 2021 (GW50-02)

Datacards make referencing your rules in battle easy. Containing quick-reference Stratagems and psyc..

94.00 RON

DeffKopta (GWAT-13)

DeffKopta (GWAT-13)

Deffkoptas are the lunatic inventions of Meks obsessed with flight. Each Deffkoptra is a one-man att..

137.00 RON

Deffkoptas (GW50-58)

Deffkoptas (GW50-58)

Most Orks take a dim view of muckin’ about in the sky, and would much rather go to war with their fe..

211.00 RON

Ghazghkull Thraka (GW50-29)

Ghazghkull Thraka (GW50-29)

Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka is a mighty prophet of the Waaagh!, capable of rousing billions of Orks i..

282.00 RON

Kill Rig (GW50-46)

Kill Rig (GW50-46)

Few sounds are as terrifying as the cacophony of hollering, clattering, and stomping that heralds th..

542.00 RON

Meganobz (GW50-08)

Meganobz (GW50-08)

The Meganobz are the richest and most battle-hardened Nobz around. Clad in Mek-built mega armour (wi..

258.00 RON

Mozrog Skragbad (GW50-55)

Mozrog Skragbad (GW50-55)

There are few Orks alive who are tougher or more belligerent than Mozrog Skragbad. A beast hunter of..

225.00 RON

Ork Beast Snagga Boyz (GW50-51)

Ork Beast Snagga Boyz (GW50-51)

Many Orks dedicate themselves to the pursuit of one obsession over all others, which for the Beast S..

187.00 RON

Ork Lootas (GW50-22)

Ork Lootas (GW50-22)

Ork Meks are responsible for creating the most destructive weapons an Ork can lay his big green hand..

149.00 RON

Ork Nobz (GW50-12)

Ork Nobz (GW50-12)

The Orks call their ruling caste Nobz. Nobz are bigger and scarier than other Orks and revel in crue..

125.00 RON

Ork Warbikers (GW50-07)

Ork Warbikers (GW50-07)

A Warbiker treats his personal steed with real care, because a warbike is not only a thing of great ..

201.00 RON

Orks: Mek Gun (GW50-26)

Orks: Mek Gun (GW50-26)

One of four deadly Mek Gunz, this clanky field gun has enough dakka to crush even the toughest of ta..

224.00 RON

Orks: Trukk (GW50-09)

Orks: Trukk (GW50-09)

Trukks are designed to transport mobs of choppa-wielding Boyz into combat as quickly as possible. Ea..

200.00 RON

Painboss (GW50-49)

Painboss (GW50-49)

The Painbosses of the Beast Snaggas are battlefield doctors hardened by many brutal conflicts. Augme..

153.00 RON

Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy (GW50-35)

Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy (GW50-35)

 Deseori sunt vazuti facandu-si loc printre Speed Freeks catre prima linie a frontului, Rukkatr..

224.00 RON

Runtherd & Gretchin (GW50-16)

Runtherd & Gretchin (GW50-16)

Gretchin mobs make up for their shocking lack of quality with sheer quantity. The natural cowardice ..

94.00 RON

Shokkjump Dragsta (GW50-34)

Shokkjump Dragsta (GW50-34)

 The Shokkjump Dragsta combines two of the foremost triumphs of the Mekaniak’s art – recklessly..

224.00 RON

Squighog Boyz (GW50-54)

Squighog Boyz (GW50-54)

Bipedal wrecking balls that charge ahead of the Ork lines, Smasha Squigs live in a state of near per..

259.00 RON

Ufthak Blackhawk (GW50-65)

Ufthak Blackhawk (GW50-65)

Ufthak Blackhawk faces problems head on with the intention of hitting them hard enough that they go ..

165.00 RON

Warboss in Mega Armour (GW50-56)

Warboss in Mega Armour (GW50-56)

Any good Ork Hunter knows the safest way to deal with a rampaging Warboss is to hit them with tank-b..

141.00 RON

Zodgrod Wortsnagga (GW50-50)

Zodgrod Wortsnagga (GW50-50)

With his Grabzappa crackling, Zodgrod herds his notorious super runts into battle. This irascible lo..

152.00 RON

Showing 1 to 33 of 33 (1 Pages)