Compusa integral din peri sintetici pentru durabilitate. Aceasta pensula Base XL este cea mai ..
47,00 RON
Aceasta pensula Dry L este realizata dintr-un mix de par de bivol si peri sintetici pentru rig..
48,00 RON
Aceasta pensula Shade L poate retine o cantitate mare de vopsea, ceea ce inseamna o acoperire ..
44,00 RON
Aceasta pensula Dry M este realizata dintr-un mix de par de bivol si peri sintetici pentru rig..
36,00 RON
This medium brush (M Layer) - perfect for layering - is hand made, with pure sable bristles in..
44,00 RON
Conceput pentru a fi utilizat cu gama de vopsele Citadel Texture, acest instrument de împrăști..
38,00 RON
Aceasta pensula mica (S Base) este ideala pentru aplicarea vopselelor de baza. Fiind subtire a..
36,00 RON
Aceasta pensula Dry S este realizata dintr-un mix de par de bivol si peri sintetici pentru rig..
35,00 RON
This small brush (S Layer) - perfect for layering - is hand made, with pure sable bristles in ..
41,00 RON
This large, flat brush (L Scenery) is ideal for quickly covering huge areas of terrain - wheth..
51,00 RON
Fabricata din parul de cea mai înalta calitate, gama Artificer reprezintă cele mai bune pensul..
153,00 RON
This medium round brush (M Scenery) is ideal for quickly painting smaller scenery pieces like ..
47,00 RON
Realizata din cel mai de calitate par de zibelina, pensula XS Artificer Layer este cea mai bun..
104,00 RON
Fabricata din parul de cea mai înalta calitate, gama Artificer reprezintă cele mai bune pensul..
127,00 RON
Glazing your models is a great way to add extra colour definition to a completed paint job, and to a..
26,00 RON
When it comes to painting your tanks, Knights, and Dreadnoughts, you want to get as much coverage fo..
33,00 RON
When painting large models with Citadel Shade paints, it's important to get an even, smooth coat for..
43,00 RON
Shading is one of the best ways to add instant depth and shadow to your models, and when you want to..
31,00 RON
The Citadel Colour STC M Base brush is the perfect workhorse brush for new and veteran hobbyists, fe..
31,00 RON
The technique known as drybrushing is a fantastic way to add detail to raised areas of your miniatur..
31,00 RON
The synthetic M Layer brush is, quite possibly, the single most useful brush you will ever own. Whil..
24,00 RON
Small enough to fit into all sorts of tight nooks and crannies, the S Base brush is perfect for gett..
24,00 RON
Quickly adding definition to small nooks and crannies can be a real pain in the rear armour. Luckily..
28,00 RON
For intricate details and edge highlights, look no further than the S Layer brush. Made with precisi..
25,00 RON
Some days you just have to lay down paint on a big chunky boy like the Reaver Battle Titan, and even..
39,00 RON
Afişare 1 - 25 din 25 (1 pagini)
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